Articulation Drill Material

Articulation Drill Material

You will have the following types of stimuli to choose from:

1)     Individual sounds

2)     Words

3)     Phrases

4)     Sentences

5)     Stories and

6)     Tongue twisters


You can choose pictorial or non-pictorial to practice with, then you can choose the respective position i.e., initial, medial, and final. Here you will have the pictorial representation of the stimuli, auditory stimuli, and written stimuli with the facility to hide and show the text, skip option, record, and playback option to give the auditory feedback. You’ll have the option to register the response of the client as correct, partially correct, or incorrect. Upon clicking the option you’ll have a suitable reinforcement on the screen.

You’ll also have live tracking of the correct responses on the top of the screen. After the set, you’ll have the performance in terms of the bar graph which you can convert to a pie chart along with the overall feedback to the client about his/her performance. You can practice the same item multiple times. However, the last practiced response would be taken into account to calculate the overall results. You also have the facility to mail the results to yourself or the client.

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